I have over 37 years of creative experience, including lighting, sound and set design. I'm still a performer at heart and my earlier experiences in the theatre continue to serve me well. I always view each design element from the perspective of a performer. I strive for the “MAGIC” in everything I do. Nothing is more personally rewarding to me than when the "awe" that I create behind the scenes is absorbed by the audience as part of the whole and the complete theatrical experience.
I work with the belief that the technical arts can set the mood, portray an emotion or even direct the audience along a particular path. I strive to bring the audience into the proper frame of mind to become a part of the production, show or service. Sometimes, it should just take your breath away and all you can say is “wow.” But more often, it shouldn’t call attention to itself, but rather create the proper atmosphere for what is being portrayed.
S Gary Sutherland
Beginning in 1973, I started learning magic at the very young age of 4. I was accepted into the Magic Castle at age 11. (The youngest member to ever be accepted to date.) I also started all forms of dance to help me move better on and off stage. I began performing all around the Los Angeles area and throughout the country. I have been a performer, both amateur and professional as an actor, dancer, singer and magician, I also have performed with Young Americans, Starmakers and Pacific Singers for years. My performance portfolio includes: 15 plus TV Shows, Magic related videos and countless live performances in all different aspects of the performing arena.
My theatrical career began as a performer in 1980 and grew from there. As I performed on various venues, stages and TV shows, I began to realize all the "real work" was behind the lights, sets and microphones and my love of the technical side of performing was born. My design experiences have grown to include theatrical productions, tours, concerts, corporate and industrial presentations, private parties, theme parks, premieres, installations and special events.
As a believer, I feel fortunate to be able to illuminate the word of God in everything I do and live everyday under God's inspiration. I am based in Southern California, USA.
I’m available to work internationally as a Lighting Designer | Programmer | Operator.
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